
  商品編號: 26736
  商品名稱: CGWorkshops 3D Environment Creation 動畫教學 英文版
  語系版本: 繁體中文
  運行平台: Windows
  更新日期: 2019-01-02
  光碟片數: 1片
  銷售價格: $300元
CGWorkshops 3D Environment Creation 動畫教學 英文版

HoneRiSO Apps 
軟體名稱: CGWorkshops 3D Environment Creation 
語系版本: 英文版 
光碟片數: 單片裝(藍光單層 25GB) 
保護種類: 無保護 
破解說明: 無 
系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 FLV(Adobe Flash) 檔案的作業系統 
硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 FLV(Adobe Flash) 檔案的作業系統 
軟體類型: 動畫教學 
更新日期: 2013.08.28 
軟體發行: CGWorkshops(k.EISO) 
官方網站: http://workshops.cgsociety.org/courseinfo.php?id=369 
中文網站: 無 
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準) 

由 CGWorkshops 公司推出的動畫特效教學 Video Game Animation 
Paul Mcwilliams 
未知(光碟容量 20 GB) 
Week 1 
- Overview of course, initial setup. 
- Introduction to the course. 
- My career and portfolio is explained. 
- Explanation of photography and reference material. 
- Lens distortion removed from images. 
- Image modelling concepts explained. 
- Image modelling software is used to create a 3D point cloud. 
- Cameras lined up to basic real world scale model. 
Week 2 
- Image Modelling begins in Autodesks Maya. 
- Image modelling within Maya is introduced and explained. 
- Image plane hot key setup is provided with a script for zooming and panning lined up 
- images inside the camera view. 
- Initial model is created and lined up in all camera views. 
Week 3 
Main image modelling occurs. 
House details are modelled and lined up to cameras. 
Model is rendered in mental ray using an occlusion render. 
Week 4 
- UV mapping begins. 
- Uv mapping workflow explained. 
- Uv tips and tricks explained to speed up workflow. 
- Final UV overall layout for whole house established. 
Week 5 
- Front image is prepped and cleaned for projection in photoshop. 
- Prepping involves removing real world lighting from photograph and unwanted details(like 
- wires) present in photograph. 
- Image is lined up to rendered wireframe. 
- Image is projected onto geometry and render test done. 
- Multiple projection shader setup explained. 
- Autodesks Mudbox 3D texture painting capability introduced. 
Week 6 
- Additional modelling work occurs to add life like imperfections to geometry. 
- Texturing begins. 
- UV Snapshot brought into photoshop. 
- Texture projection is baked onto model 
- Photography is transferred into Texturing PSD file. 
- Texture is laid out in UV Snapshot. 
- Dirt added, methods discussed. 
- Mudbox 3D texture painting is brought into workflow. 
- Colour texturing of house is completed. 
Week 7 
- Displacement mapping look development begins. 
- Displacement development occurs using Mental rays subdivision approximation. 
- Bump mapping explained and merits discussed vs displacement mapping. 
- Colour and Displacement shader created and render test done. 
- Displacement and bump occlusion renders setup and explained. 
Week 8 
- Window shader look development setup created and developed. 
- Specular maps explained using metal roof example. 
- House shaders created using mental ray shader materials. 
- House interior texture setup created and explained combined with baked occlusion. 
- Linear and SRGB Gamma correction workflow explained. 
- Render Lighting scene setup for Mental Ray Final Gather with HDR and reference spheres. 
- Lighting is matched to a plate (photograph). 
- Render with passes using Mayas pass management system. 
- Compositing of passes explained in the Foundrys Nuke as rendered image is further matched to plate.